A new state-of-the-art maternity unit for Barts NHS Trust in London has opened alongside a midwifery unit and providing a suite of NICU, PICU, SCBU and delivery suites.
The complete unit comprises Cableflow PANEL bedhead units providing a hotel like feel to each specific environment with a sympathetic and homely character. The multitude of services outlets required in these clinically specific spaces have been considerately encapsulated in PANEL using high spec Formica laminates to outer enclosures.
More than seventy PANEL medical supply units have been installed on this second phase of the project including delivery, consult /exam, clinical scan and Birthing Pool rooms along with a 14 cot space SCBU and 6 space PICU all adopting a common approach and theme to each area such that the patient flow is consistent and embracing whilst offering an holistic and homely approach to these childbirth environments.