Each hospital will vary in its individual requirements from the next, none more so than the nurse call system.
Often when a client states a particular preference for bedhead services, this invariably refers to the nurse call system itself to ensure compatibility with existing arrangements. It does not generally preclude a bedhead containment system by a different manufacturer from the nurse call system such as Cableflow.
In the same way as the nurse call manufacturers are dedicated specialists in nurse call systems, Cableflow are the UK’s dedicated specialists in bedhead containment system solutions. Why compromise an installation simply because of the need to ensure nurse call system compatability.
Our bedhead containment systems are universally used with all major nurse call systems which do not affect the choice of nurse call equipment which can remain as the hospital norm.
As an independent trunking manufacturer with no allegiance to any specific nurse call supplier, we leave the choice of nurse call manufacturer up to you, the user and specifier.
All Cableflow bedhead trunking & containment products are universally adaptable to accommodate any manufacturer’s nurse call system.
Each CABLEFLOW Medical Supply unit is manufactured to the highest standards and to a quality expected of a British manufacturer from across a broad and universally applicable product range. The inclusion of third party nurse call systems into our bedhead services units ensures continuum of infrastructure yet opportunity to use the most up to date containment solutions and remains a key feature of our offering.
Tel: +44(0)1494 52 88 11
Fax: +44(0)1494 53 11 88
Windsor HouseAbbey Barn RoadHigh WycombeBucksHP11 1NN