The Cableflow Area Valve Service Enclosure (AVSE) evolves out of a growing market demand for a fully compliant enclosure to neatly and effectively house Area Valve Service Units (AVSU’s) as a key element of the medical gas pipeline system within a healthcare facility.
The AVSE is an enclosure which is aesthetically pleasing, slim and rounded in profile and meets the performance requirements of components forming part of the medical gas pipeline system – from plant to terminal unit.
BS ISO 11197:2016 is the defining performance and manufacturing standard for enclosures of medical gas pipeline system components, and the Cableflow AVSE is designed, manufactured and certified as being fully compliant with its requirements.
The Cableflow AVSE provides a neat, compact, fully ventilated and aesthetically versatile enclosure for AVSU’s, pressure switches and alarm panels whilst ensuring ease of system maintenance. A co-ordinated design complimenting many of our bedhead products ensures that any interior scheme appears with an integrated design and thought through, as opposed to numerous products of variable appearances.
Each CABLEFLOW Medical Supply unit is manufactured to the highest standards and to a quality expected of a British manufacturer from across a broad and universally applicable product range. The inclusion of third party nurse call systems into our bedhead services units ensures continuum of infrastructure yet opportunity to use the most up to date containment solutions and remains a key feature of our offering.
Tel: +44(0)1494 52 88 11
Fax: +44(0)1494 53 11 88
Windsor HouseAbbey Barn RoadHigh WycombeBucksHP11 1NN