The use of dado trunking systems in laboratory environments with a specific Containment Level (CL) category is not a fundamentally new concept but is an area where great care should be taken in selecting systems manufactured from appropriate materials.
Research laboratories of CL3+ and above place onerous requirements upon internal services. Those pathogens and the generally deleterious bacteria that evolve and which can develop within these various testing environments is ever-changing whilst the progress and advancement of science dictates that ever more harmful and destructive bacteria must be faced, so it also requires more resilient building services.
Bio-decontamination is key to ensuring that these laboratory environments remain safe, clean and reliably functional and the use of products which are resilient to the various chemical bio-decontamination agents in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and healthcare sectors is of paramount importance. Our extruded aluminium CL3+ laboratory trunking systems and powder coated and independently tested to be resilient in practice over time to (vaporised) Hydrogen Peroxide (vHP), Formaldehyde gassing and more latterly an emergence of the preference for Chlorine Dioxide, disinfecting by its oxidising process.
Where lab gasses are to be accommodated flexibility in product offering neatly encapsulates the outlets and pipeline in a neat and variable solution.
This product can be supplied fully pre-assembled, pre-wired or pre-gassed, tested and certified to BS 7671 (inc Corrigendum’s) to offer fundamental cost savings and overall programme benefits.
Each CABLEFLOW Medical Supply unit is manufactured to the highest standards and to a quality expected of a British manufacturer from across a broad and universally applicable product range. The inclusion of third party nurse call systems into our bedhead services units ensures continuum of infrastructure yet opportunity to use the most up to date containment solutions and remains a key feature of our offering.
Tel: +44(0)1494 52 88 11
Fax: +44(0)1494 53 11 88
Windsor HouseAbbey Barn RoadHigh WycombeBucksHP11 1NN