Few, if any vertical bedhead services columns offer a variety of sizes and configurations from a family of product like MEDICOL. A stylish, adaptable vertical medical supply unit proven in application over many thousands of installations where the architectural constraints dictate the use of vertical containment, MEDICOL can be colour coded to suit your interior scheme.
Appearance is key to any bedhead containment product and ensuring the balance between aesthetics, initial installation and ongoing maintenance needs are at the core of this product.
HTM 08-03 advises against the use of vertical containment and sometimes it’s a ‘perceptive’ quick and cheap solution for contractors or more so manufacturers with a limited bedhead product offering. However, there will always be applications where the building structure (windows, full height glazing etc.) does not permit the use of a horizontal bedhead, or the volume of outlets in a specific high-dependency location is not suited to a linear system and vertical is the only option.
MEDICOL provides a vertical solution that can be simply fed from the ceiling void and which neatly accommodates all patient care services for mains power, nurse call, data/patient monitoring, medical gases, lighting control, IV & monitor support posts, patient entertainment systems (Hospedia etc.). MEDICOL can be fully customised and is available finished in a range of more than 360 standard colours.
Each CABLEFLOW Medical Supply unit is manufactured to the highest standards and to a quality expected of a British manufacturer from across a broad and universally applicable product range. The inclusion of third party nurse call systems into our bedhead services units ensures continuum of infrastructure yet opportunity to use the most up to date containment solutions and remains a key feature of our offering.
BROAD MEDICOL provides for in applications where a greater volume of services are required and compliments our standard offering and creates a family of product for use site-wide.
MEDICOL can also be manufactured to integrate low level waste gases extract ducts to meet the most recent requirements for extract detailed in HTM 02-01. Please consult our sales team for further information.
MEDICOL can be supplied fully pre-assembled, pre-wired or pre-gassed, tested and certified to ISO 11197, HTM & HBN recommendations, CIBSE (SLL) LG2:2008 as well as BS 7671 (inc Corrigendum’s) to offer fundamental cost savings and overall programme benefits.
Tel: +44(0)1494 52 88 11
Fax: +44(0)1494 53 11 88
Windsor HouseAbbey Barn RoadHigh WycombeBucksHP11 1NN